Configure DNS:NET as ISP on PfSense Router
Since DNS:NET provides support only for a limited number of supported routers, and pfSense is not on that list, I will share my configuration here.
This guide is aimed at pfSense Community Edition Version 2.5.x.
In the following configurations, parameters that are omitted should be left empty or with their default value.
This configuration assumes that the WAN port is called em0. You can check
your network ports at Interface -> Assignments
Configure VLAN Tag
Go to Interface -> Assignments -> VLANs
create a new VLAN with the following configuration:
- Parent Interface: em0 (or your WAN interface)
- VLAN Tag: 37
- Description: dnsnet
Configure PPPoE
Also in the Interface section, go to PPPs
and create a new PPP
- Link Type: PPPoE
- Link Interface(s): em0.37 (This is the VLAN interface we created in previous step)
- Username & Password: These values are provided to you by DNS:NET, or can be accessed using their customer portal.
Configure Interface Assignments
Go back to Interface -> Assignments
and select PPPOE0(em0.37)
for your WAN Network Port.
Save & Apply! :)