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Kubernetes Home Lab in 2025: Introduction

The year was 2024, Cyber Monday was rolling by and my manager pointed out that I still had a budget available for training and certifications. One purchase of a Kubestronaut Certification Bundle and a few weeks later, I kinda have to face it: I need a new home lab.


So why a home lab exactly? Well, I have a few reasons:

  1. It’s fun.
  2. Haven’t we all have a pile of hardware lying around, bought with the best intentions? Let’s actually use it for something!
  3. Cloud providers, well, provide a lot of stuff, so their customers don’t have to think about it, and I kinda want to think about it when learning. Same goes for the likes of minikube and kind. They have easy to use plugins for features such as ingress and storage. That makes them easy to use, but not the best for learning.


  1. Achieve feature parity with a small cloud provider. What do I mean by that? I want things to work out of the box: ingress, storage, monitoring & logging, identity & access management (IAM), … let’s see how many parts this series ends up having.
  2. Everything defined as code. I want to be able to tear down and rebuild my cluster with a few commands, enabling us to try things without fear of breaking stuff. If we do, we just rebuild it.
  3. HTTPS everywhere, I want to have a valid certificate and a proper domain for every service I deploy, none of that self-signed crap.


  1. High availability: no users, no SLOs - hurray!
  2. Security, insofar as I don’t have to stress about someone taking over my cloud account, if I mess up. I will follow best practices and tinker with modern tools, e.g., we’ll be authenticating with WebAuthn to our K8s cluster later!
  3. Full automation is great for production environments, but it requires significant effort to address edge cases. For this project, I’ll prioritize practicality over perfection and won’t hesitate to run a few manual commands if needed.


If you want to follow along you would need to have or set up the following:

  1. A domain name, for me that’s, which is hosted by Cloudflare.
  2. A GitHub account, to host our GitOps repository. Other git providers are possible, but I won’t cover them in this series.
  3. The ability to configure DHCP & DNS in your home network, I’m running opnsense, but really any router with these features should do.
  4. Some compute & storage. I’m using a single box with an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 and 32GB RAM, 256GB SSD for the OS and a 2x1TB HDDs for our persistent storage needs.

Table of Contents

This series will be split into multiple parts, each focusing on a different feature. I will update this list as I go and link to the respective parts.

  • Part 4 - Cert-Manager will cover how to install cert-manager and hook it up to our Cloudflare account to automatically provision certificates for our services.
  • Part 5 - Persistent Storage will enable stateful applications. We will have some fun with fio and RAID configurations to build a basic NFS server to provide persistent storage for our cluster. Finally, we make it available in our cluster using NFS Subdirectory External Provisioner.
  • Part 6 - Identity & Access Management will install Kanidm as our identity provider for password-less authentication. Then we configure our kube-apiserver to support OIDC authentication backed by Kanidm. This will be a fun one!
  • Part X - TBD


I hope you’re as excited as I am to get started. I will publish one part every week, so stay tuned!

Are there specific topics you’d like to see covered in this series? Let me know - I’d love to hear your ideas and feedback!